Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Dear Soul Mate ver 2.5 *Repost*

This is my favorite writing at my other blog..this is and this one time that i write blog with all the feeling i i decide to put this writing so you can read it (if you never read it before).

Inspired by my friend Ellen Blog that in her endless search for future (perfect) partner in this universe.She began to write a lovely letter to her future partner.Intrigued, i try to do the same for my (future) soul mate.

Bear with me the grammar and the emotion in it (makes you wanna throw up), but who the hell am i kidding with anyway.. ?

Dear My Soulmate,

This letter written to you so you will understand why i call you my soulmate at the first place.

I want you to know that i'm grateful for your presence in my life.I would like to try to thank you about all the things we have done together (at least you are awake enough to do it with me).

I want to thank you for that sweet humming while i'm fall asleep (and drooling) in your lap the other was a very nice 2 hour sleep (and how do you stay there for 2 hour without moving a single inch ?? you should teach me that nifty trick sometimes okay)

I want to thank you for not telling me how i'm going to squeeze my toothpaste, i love to squeeze it by the midlle.

I want to thank you for never think of me as a well build Rambo,handsome as Brad pitt, heroic as Zorro (teeth like bobo ?), smart as Einstein and caring like mother Theresa (nah you will not like me at the first place if i am act like that anyway).

I want to thank you for the sweet smell of yours that seems always dangling at you everytime i hug you (or pass you by).

I want to thank you for reading the book i read and reading the book i never read (i try to,but seems that books contain a high doze of sleeping powder.You should check it or consult it with the author).

Thank you for making up my side of the bed every morning and my closet (can't do it without you dear).

Thank you for not always stand up for my error, when it's's wrong.

Thank you for believing me and make me help you to open than damn bottle (i'm sure need an ego raising action sometimes).

Thank you for "doing that" while i cannot seems to make it anymore (the stamina is like a roller coaster ride...sometimes it fast sometimes it slow,sometimes it down sometimes it up).

and...oh yeah thank you for telling me that i'm a great stud after you do "that".

Thank you for not telling my mother i yell at you the other day (sometimes i cannot figure out who is the real children of hers).

I want to thank you for making a good evironment for me to grow and to learn a beautiful aspect of life (and you).

Thank you to teach me that trick about how to skin a shrimp in one pull (seafood is the best).

Thank you for that smile...uhhh ...the smile is really making me horny (and of course that lingerie of yours too).

Thank you for all the time that you ignoring me while i play my console game for hour (you are the best dear).

Thank you for picking me a good movie to watch (i'm not crying...i just scratch my eyes).

Thank you for sharing that herb drink (you know a glass is too much for me...beside it keeps you in shape too you know).

Thank you for making a sweet dinner (I never see you cook anyway, maybe that yoga thing makes you do all the thing fast....i know that "things you do" is).

Thank you for teaching me to talk softly, sure makes me feel renew after each nonsense argue with you (you won the argue most of the times anyway).

Thank you for letting me take your side of the bed sometimes (feel more softer...maybe i should ask the laundry service about that extra softner thing...hmmm i must make a mental note).

Speaking of mental note, thank you for being my second mental note (dopey,sneezy,doc,bashful,grumpy,sleepy....arrghh cannot think of the last one).

Thank you for being my second engineer when i fix that water pump (are you sure we cannot afford to buy a new one this month dear ?).

And the last (i mean for this letter) thank you for never make a fuss of that small thing i complain when i got home (i kinda chatty sometimes...)

Hey i got to stop and make us dinner rite ? is our 25th aniversary sure feels like yesterday.I don't know about you dear, but people tend to never think they are older when they being with the one they love.


Your Smoochie


Anonymous said...

hehehe son.. thanks for making this "reply" letter. good one, practical, with a touch of humor, without losing it's sensitive side... love you, buddy! :D

on the not-so-cheerful note: it's quite saddening that you re-issue that particular letter and post, as you know the guy who inspired it was long gone, hehehe... *weks! c'mon, hit me! :p*

ester said...

haiyaaaa... keabisan ide, mas? ampe reposting? hehehe....