the piano player, she is cute but when she is angry (usually because we are slacking off) she could give you "the look" or "The yell" which will make your guts plummet to the floor.

This is What we do if we see a Piano and a mike,damn we are good.(at eve's wedding)
Bellow is the picture we take at 24 December 2005.

The main Sopranos...or part of the sopranos. We will miss you Dee

Elsa the new member and Louisa the Sopranos. Elsa look so Aristocrate with that outfit.

The altos in the shadow of the mike stand. Amaaaaaziiing...voiceeee how sweet the sound.

The Tenors or what's we call "the MAN", "The Jeve", "the Guy". Did you see Luciano Pavorotti ??All i can look is Farid Hardja dress.
Sorry boys and girls...no Basses...because they all start to scram when i bring the camera.We are shy when we in the "high note situation".

Yea rite you need that thing help to have sex...when you are basses (just kidding).Taken at Mad Dog on Christmas eve.