Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Single parent...a contemplative journey.

There is something tingle about what ellen wrote in her blog.She have a thought to have a child without father, not a bastard one…it’s just unbiological or the anonimousity of the father, The lack of man present to raise the child.See i can even describe it right.

The interesting part is a lot of people decide to support her idea (that’s include me).I sometimes contemplate about this kind of stuff (maybe not that often that it ever cross my mind).But what if i have to raise a kids without the presence of a mother role in my child life ? Is she/him can grow a "normal" way of life with all the complete sexuality concept of both gender?Maybe, they will understand and look up to the fact that their father made a choice, a personal and inmoral (doesn't have a moral weight or issue) choice.

How can i give them the understanding of procreation ? Male/Female sexuality ? in their early age of course.Making a living with a both role of parents is not as simple as it looks, maybe you will have the time and the money but do you really have an enermous heart and will to undergo all the challenge ? It's of course not an unwanted life,but a life base purely on a consequences of my own action.

Dad, why jason have a mother ? where is my mother ? if a female have to give birth to a baby, who is it that brought me to this world ? How a man deliver a baby ?What if i have a mom ? and all the question i have to answer brightly or wisely or both.

I couldn't imagine it right now but maybe someday if a force of life make me come to that moment i can figure it out somehow.

Well thank kind of thought is sure need a heck of thinking to choose.When life offer you a choice to make your future..will you take it ? or you let other to decide what is your future ? Since the main argument is a "Negara Beragama", do we really need a country to decide how we live our life ?Is it really matter if there is a member of the country who decide to have a kids without a complete parents ? i mean it is okay if it's not a "choice"(divorce, diceased, nature disaster ..did i say divorce ?).Then why if its a personal choice ? There is a couple person i know already live this life in this "Negara Beragama".

Way from what we call a religion or any other outside rule to bind us (love maybe include in it) just ask that Question again to yourself. "If something happen and you try to make a choice for your life, do you want to take it...or you just follow the rule and wondering what might happen for the rest of your life ?


But life will always find a way as long as you have love and choose to live it.


Anonymous said...

I didn't even think about this when I wrote the blog. Thanks for raising the subject here, Son, and giving me more food for thought! :)

Jeng Ungu said...

Most of our country's citizens still have the tendency to SHUN or OUTCAST single parents, which in my opinion is completely FOOLISH and HEARTLESS!

These parents made a brave choice, live on with it and the country should have at least give them some credit for their efforts to raise their child single-handedly by LETTIN THESE SINGLE PARENTS LEADIN A PEACEFUL QUIET LIFE instead of JUDGING them

Imelda said...

things will be different if say:
- you are deeply in love with a woman
- you then feel that she can be a good mother.
- she is willing to be our wife.

till then lets wait if your opinion change. :)

no offense to the single parents out there. some of them left with no choice but to take care of her/his child by her own..some of them may be like you..

If you want to think further perhaps you should think abt yourself in the child's shoes. will you be content and satisfied having one parent?
