Wednesday, April 26, 2006

What If

Do you ever ask this question in your life ?

What if there is no Heaven or Hell ?

What if there is no consequences of what you have done after life ?

I try to answer this Question....

There will be alright.

Yeah that is my answer.I will still doing a lot of crazy things i do now.I still keep helping people the best i could, just for the sake of feeling good when i do that.

I don't care about heaven or hell, i just life my life to the fullest, be somebody God created me to be.

Sometimes an annoying people, to give a chance for that people to thank God that no other people they know like me.

Sometimes be a bad person, so that people could feel the feeling of forgiveness.

Sometimes be the silliest people, so another people could feel more secure when they do silly things.

Sometimes give a hard time to people, so that people could thank God if they get an easy time.

Shut up and live !!!

That's what i will do,i will never tell people how they should live their life, because there is no consequences after life.You cannot scare people to do good things so they can avoid hell.So, what will you do ? you will be less talking and more living.So, there is only and only an example to make them understand that if you do good you get good results.
Instead of talk them to it ?

*Scratching my head*

*Get a cup of water*

*Watch some TV show*

*try to get some sleep*

-= END =-



Jeng Ungu said...

so u've been settin up quite a number of examples, i guess??

cerita donk, examplesnya apa aja Son!!

Sontoloyo said...

Uluh hahahahhaa...hal yang sangat mudah sebenernya....sama seperti bapak Yesus yang mencotohkan banyak hal baik, memaafkan seseorang itu adalah hal yang sangat baik dan sederhana, and it feels great after that.
Bantuin temen elo dalam kesusahan itu hal yang mudah dan sederhana..and it feels great.
Memberikan balasan hal yang baik kepada orang yang membuat kamu kesel will make you feel GREAT !!
percaya deh...gue pernah mengalaminya.

uut, said...

"What if there is no Heaven or Hell ? "
so,wat is the purpose of live then :P!!!!

Sontoloyo said...

The purpose of your life is not to gain heaven and hell.It's to live to the fullest,mencapai semua hal yang kamu bisa capai....yang Tuhan pikir kamu bisa capai.
Such as a do you know you have 5 or 15 or 10 talent if you never try something new again and again ?
If you try something new again and again your life would be interesting and you will forget heaven and hell is it ?
Believe me your life would be easier and happier if you think heaven and hell doesn't exist...your bad doing will be your hard earn lesson by it self ,why ? because even without knowing hell do exist you already know you are doing something wrong (nobody wake up from the dead to tell you that hell is exist anyway, you just know it from books or somebody that never go to hell tell you that there is hell.And your good doing will come from the heart (not because you think if you do it you can go to heaven).

Jeng Ungu said...

Quotin ur sentences

" Memberikan balasan hal yang baik kepada orang yang membuat kamu kesel will make you feel GREAT !!
percaya deh...gue pernah mengalaminya."

OH yeah... daku pernah ngalamin juga..

i felt GREAT, she felt GUILT and outta sudden, the evil me felt even GREATER and oso felt a lil bit of VICTORY


Sontoloyo said...

duh...iya deh *bingung*
maksud gue...sweet revenge gituloh
"revenge best served cold"