Monday, April 01, 2013

The price of true LOVE

This Monday our scripture tell us about the greatest love story ever told, also about winning against all odds.
Luckily our priest ...father Thomas told us about the price of love.

He is explicitly said that the price of true love is nothing.....NOTHING.

In this modern world where everything is judge and measure, sometimes we take love to the lowest level form...Barter....i give you this if you give me that...if you don't that mean you do not love me....vice versa.

Jesus show us (again) that love is not about "you did this and i did that" is about giving......period.

For the ability to love unconditionally is the gift itself. I have been in the middle of people that fail to love, they does not understand the concept of giving....a concept of sacrifice........with the possibility of gaining nothing in return.

Today, I Pray that i could make the concept mine...i pray that i can love unconditionally serve in Community without gaining anything for i have abundant love from God.

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