Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Risk taker

Sometimes in this live you come up with an idea that will put all your belonging to the test.Have you ever been faced with that kind of situation ?

You have to make a bet for anything that you have rite now, i presume it always happen when you want to make a good long distance relationship.Or,when you want to move to another places for good.

We always making bets with our life.Sometimes you win, sometimes you just cannot see what is the prize of it.

A lot of things gained by betting, give it all and take a chance.Marriage is something like that.Sometimes you win a big time, sometimes you loose it all (even your dignity).

I often try to think hard about it.Is it really a bet ? if it is, what is the odds ? what if it's a losing game ? like death...you cannot win against it.

Searching for something "yang pasti-pasti ajah" maybe the stupidest idea in this world.Everything we do is taking risk and that what makes us a man (Human being).

People take a chance everyday (because we makes decission), sometimes it just became a routine that you cannot perceive it as a chance anymore.

- Laughing is taking risk to be called crazy.
- Working is taking risk to be called workoholic.
- Being silence is taking risk to be called Numb or undecissive.
- Having a dream is taking risk to fail to achieve it.
- et cetera.

Taking risk should be a normal things for us,it's in our vein.Then why we take a moment to think ?

Because we need time to tell ourself that the matter is important or not for us.

So Think about it, take your time ...and when it come do not hesitate to take the risk.The world was a living prove and shape of someone (sometimes,somehow,somewhere) taking a risk.

You will learn something anyway.....hopefully.


uut, said...

yupe,better take a chance and be GREAT then only be safe and
so-so :P,rite!

Jeng Ungu said...

i dun mind takin a real risky path as long as the result worth all the consequences hehe...lagean, apapun yg kita kerjain pasti risky...dari simple stuff kaya mandi aja, risky juga (kepleset trus kenapa2 uratnya) <--- ini careless ato risk ya? i better call it, potential risk dah hehe

Imelda said...

marriage is definetly a big gamble. Thats why I think there is no necessity of having a celebration. Maybe if you reach 50th year of marriage there is something to celebrate..

Some of us take risk like taking shower but some of us just so scared of it. They shy away from water.

Its relative.
bring it on

deti said...

walah.. postingannya dualem banget yah. Kadang untuk take a risk butuh keberanian dan butuh sedikit ego.