Monday, January 23, 2006

Keep Dancing !!

Having inspiration from Ellen blog about Indian and the beauty of it, i want to share a story about indian also.

The story begin with an Indian culture (which is true or not, i don't really know) about rain summoning dance.It's a ceremonial dance to summon rain (duh).

Once every five years there is a big meeting between all the indian tribe that nominate who is the best shaman (witch doctor,elder who lead the dance and incatation) who can summon rain from each and every dance they do.

There was one tribe that can always invoke rain from their summoning dance, and the great shaman get interviewed by other tribes shaman.

"what is the secret in your dance ? is it the incatation ? the move ? the sacrifice ? what is it ?"

The Great Shaman :"tell me the chance of raining from all your dance ?"

"It's fifty-fifty chance that every dance we perform can invoke rain"

The Great Shaman then explain them about their method, all of them listen very carefully and taking note about it.After the great shaman finished explaining all the audience murmuring and mumbling about the method."why, its the same method we use in all the tribe, there is nothing special about the method"

"O great Shaman please tell us the secret, there must be some secret that you did not tell us about the ceremony".

Finally with whisper the great shaman say "Gather around and i will tell you the secret"

The crowd gather around closer to hear the "GREAT SECRET OF 100% GUARANTEE RAIN DANCING CEREMONY"

After the crowd gather closer the great shaman whisper to them.

"The secret of our dancing is : WE KEEP DANCING UNTIL THE RAIN FALL"

Sometimes we give up too early.

Thomas alpha Edison fail 1000 times to invent a light bulb.

Wright Brother's fail a dozen times to create the first flying machine.

Colonel Sanders get turn down 1008 times for his Friend Chicken his late 60s.

All the Great People fail more then us the mediocre.

So next time you try something...KEEP DANCING UNTIL the RAIN fall !!


ester said...

iya kali yah...
nggak ada rahasia khusus di balik kesuksesan orang-orang hebat, cuma tetap melakukannya sampai apa yang diinginkan tercapai...
huaaaaa... semoga gue nggak cuma tau teorinya doang... amin...

Anonymous said...

hm, i'd prefer the other story (about finishing the blanket, remember? in your comment). This one is.. sorry to say.. plain (no hard feelings loh son!!!), though we could still find the moral of it.

Sontoloyo said...

Amin juga

Yang cerita finishing the banket kan specially written in your comments Blog.