Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Healing Phenomenon

Membaca (mengikuti tepatnya) berita akhir-akhir ini mengenai seorang bocah yang mampu menyembuhkan segala macam penyakit orang lain dengan cara memberi minum air bekas celupan tangan bocah tersebut membuat gue takjub.

Bayangkan kemacetan yang terjadi akibat pasien mengantri hingga sepanjang 4 kilometer.Wedew !

Is it really proven ? well all i know that there is a lot of people think it is.

That makes me think about "Collective Consciousness" , how a fate of one nation determined by the thoughts of the people.

You see, if you read a lot of books about minds and what they are capable of, you began to think that all of this is make sense.Mind is amazing things and it could create reality out of thin air.
If you think you could get a healing from a water...then you will eventually.

That puts you in deeper question is it God gift to the boy or for the people who are sick ?

What i believe is as long as they do it for the act of love it is God given.

People are healed,what do you expect ? it is increasing the life expectancy, which is good ...right ?

Now there is another story with the same theme...a thunder rock from Jombang that could heal people sickness.....thats good too,why ? that mean now more people could be healed.

In the middle of a great crisis such as this...i think it is a positive news.

you know what funny is ? once the government try to fix the reaction of the people...everything just begin to fall apart now....they just shut down the practice of the Ponari aka "Miracle boy".

"For i will come to save the world with my blood" -= Isa Al Masih =-

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My Dilema

Ternyata jadi pengusaha kagak gampang hehehehehehe klasik yah.

But it is, satu hal yang pasti sering gemes kalau ada hal yang tidak berjalan sebagaimana mustinya.

Seharusnya bisa begini.....bisa begitu.....kalau begini...kalau begitu. dan bla bla bla yang lain.

memang ga banyak orang mau jadi pengusaha, karena kadang ada rasa "kosong" di dalam hati.Apalagi yang udah biasa jadi karyawan....bisa2 bangun tidur elo merasa not know what to do.

Well, di sinilah kekuatan doa itu muncul....kepercayaan bahwa if you do the right thing it will pay you someday.

Personally, gue bukan orang yang gampang menyerah...tapi gue juga bukan tipe orang yang suka kerja keras hihihihihihihi...pemalas nomor wahid.

Justru, karena gue malas kalau kagak punya duit akhirnya gue berusaha....
karena gue males di marahin bos akhirnya gue memutuskan punya usaha sendiri.....

well, usaha itu butuh kesabaran dan ketekunan...untung lah in my course of life i have been trained for it.

just want to blurt it out....karena di dada ini rasanya sudah menumpuk-puk

sekarang....legaaaa.....yuuu cari makan lagi.