Setelah membaca beberapa tulisan mengenai perempuan dan RUU Pornography gue jadi semakin tertarik untuk mengomentari RUU ini.
Mungkin ini ada hubungannya dengan tulisan gue yang ini.
Pertanyaan dari Rancangan ini adalah: kenapa perempuan dijadikan sebagai objek?(memang tidak menerakan jenis kelamin,tapi hal yang paling di soroti dalam undang-undang ini) apakah tepat di keluarkan undang2 ini ? Barusan baca bahwa di amerika pernah diterbitkan undang-undang seperti ini yang akhirnya tidak jalan, hanya berhasil membredel karya sastra (bah salah tujuan bertajuk "ulysess" yang 'katanya' berbau pronografi.kok keliatannya indonesia tidak ada studi banding dan mengikuti hal2 yang gagal dilakukan negara maju yah?
Kenapa juga pornografi di urusin lebih heboh dari undang-undang korupsi ?Padahal masih banyak yang harus di benahi di negara ini ketimbang hal yang masih tidak jelas (batasannya).Kenapa ga sibuk menggodok Undang undang pendidikan dan dana RAPBN untuk pendidikan tersebut?
Apakah benar akibat undang-undang ini dikeluarkan akan mengecilkan angka pelecehan seksual, tindak pemerkosaan dan kejahatan seksual lainnya ? it is yet to be known (atau kita bisa lihat undang-undang negara lain yang udah pernah kaga jalan).
As simple as it's sound apakah kita sudah mempertimbangkan benar-benar dampak dari undang-undang ini ?
Menurut gue pembodohan secara masal mengenai sesualitas dan penyangkalan bahwa seksualitas adalah bagian dari manusia yang tidak bisa terlepas begitu saja.Belom lagi hipokritas akan menjadi hal yang tersuburkan dengan adanya undang-undang ini.
Kenapa ada tari perut di Arab ?Pornografi kah ? Bagaimana dengan tayub,ledhek,cokek apakah itu merupakan pornoaksi?atau kesenian?
kita harus menghancurkan candi di borobudur karena ada pahatan kamasutra ? lingga dan yoni?karena itu adalah pembelajaran pornografi ?
Infact as far as i concern justru pornografi harus di ajarkan di sampaikan dengan sangat terbuka dan lugas sehingga bisa membangkitkan dignity dan harga diri manusia untuk menilainya, bukan di tutup-tutupi sehingga malah mengundang penasaran tanpa tau konsekwensi dan sebab musabab.
What you resist,persist !!
Ini adalah semboyan orang-orang yang mengerti bagaimana alam raya bekerja.Manusia selalu mengatasi kendala dan opresi that what they are good at.(lihat dari teori evolusi,survival to the fittest,film jurrasic park) Nature (which consist human being) will always find it's way.
Mari kita tilik angka kejahatan seksual di negara yang membuat orang menutupi seksualitasnya...bandingkan dengan yang bebas? tidak lebih kecil,sering kan kita mendengar pelecehan seksual sampai kejahatan seksual terjadi pada TKW kita yang bekerja di Arab Saudi? Siapa yang salah ?
Seperti apa sih undang-undang tersebut akan melindungi kita dari hal yang namanya pronografi? siapa sih yang butuh undang-undang itu? ibu-ibu yang takut anak laki-lakinya melecehkan perempuan,atau suaminya melirik perempuan lain yang kebetulan bisa merawat tubuhnya lebih baik ? atau orang-orang yang dirugikan karena tidak memiliki sensualitas ? Untuk polisi yang kelimpungan menangani kasus kejahatan seksual(karena harus fokus menangkap koruptor)?
Sebenernya sama membingungkan seperti kenapa cewe pake beha dan celana dalam warna warni dengan berbagai model/tipe (kan kaga ada yang lihat kecuali muhrimnya).Undang-undang ini juga membingungkan bagi gue,Menurut gue tujuan undang undang ini tidak jelas dan lebih tendensius ke perempuan, karena mau tidak mau suka tidak suka perempuan adalah proyeksi keindahan yang sudah sangat mengakar di (hampir) semua budaya(is it bad?).
"What the hell are you babling out ??? yo kerja lagi !!!"
Egh iya *sambil di tarik-tarik sama bos* Perempuan sama seperti laki-laki harus bebas mengekspresikan tubuhnya dan punya hak yang besar terhadap tubuhnya sendiri.So please deh jangan jadi orang hipokrit...situ anaknya banyak juga karena istrinya situ mempergunakan tubuhnya dan sensualitasnya.
"IYA bosss saya kerja lagiiii"
An imbecilic journey of a man who try to see everything,love everything and think about everything on his very short existence in this Vast World of doubt,confusing and blissfull sign. Just Blurt it out of my finger.
Friday, February 24, 2006
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Bagaikan pungguk merindukan Bulan
Ga pernah tau bagaimana bisa orang miskin (terutama cowo) bisa punya pacar yang kaya ?
Kadang gue berfikir kalau itu terjadi sama gue betapa kasihan cewenya.Waktu single sering jalan ke luar negri dan bergaul di kalangan jet zet.Pas pacaran sama gue boro boro keluar negri, keluar kota ajah susah hehehehehe...Belom lagi kudu makan di emperan atau di pinggir jalan (banyak loh makanan enak di sana).
Gue punya temen yang waktu kecil kaga diperbolehkan jajan di pinggir jalan sama orang tuanya.Ketika makan bakso abang-abang di depan rumah gue dia terlihat menikmati sekali, gue sampe terharu hehehehehehe...basonya sih emang enak.
Don’t judge me wrong, i am not a low self esteem person.But hey just face the fact that you don’t have enough money to pay through all the activity.
Bagaimana elo tau bahwa dia (pacar gue) akan bahagia mengikuti semua aktivitas seperti gue ? Apakah dia bakal kangen sama kebiasaan-kebiasaan jet zet dia ?
Gue punya teman yang tidak pernah bilang terima kasih sama pembantunya....atau tidak pernah merasa tidak enak hati bila ada temannya yang melayani dia seperti pembantu.Contoh : Udah nitip belanjaan,berat-berat,nalangin duitnya dulu,kaga dikasih ongkos, maunya buru-buru dan harus nganterin pula ke rumahnya karena dia telepon elo dan nyuruh elo seperti itu duh.... (padahal kacungnya atau pembantunya lebih dari 4 orang) and guess what ? not even disuruh masuk hahahahahahah elo cuman di cegat di depan rumah sama kacungnya trus udah di titipin duitnya yang pas dengan harga belanjaannya.
Apakah kekuatan cinta mampu menghadapi semua perbedaan ? Kok kaya di sinetron yah ? tapi akhir-akhir ini gue jadi berfikir untuk hal yang satu ini.Could i live with that ?the answer is a fair maybe.Gimana pacaran sama orang yang bulak balik singapore kaya pergi ke WC ? padahal gue paspor ajah blom punya hihihihihihi...pertarungan antara nurani dan akal sehat....apalagi kalau orangnya spoiled (with all the money it could easily happen).Giliran ada pertengkaran kecil dan yang di butuhkan hanya a mere apology, tapi dia malah mencoba untuk membelikan elo sesuatu yang elo tau bahwa dengan gaji elo yang sekarang elo harus nabung beberapa bulan (kaga bole di pake bahkan untuk ongkos ke kantor) baru bisa ke beli....yang lebih parah lagi setelah itu dia beranggapan bahwa semuanya sudah beres dan bisa kembali ke tabiat sedia kala.
Apakah cinta bisa dihargai dengan uang...tentu tidak ....tapi uang bisa membuat segala sesuatu menjadi mudah...bahkan mempertahankan cinta (hueks !!).
Gimana kalau suatu hari dia cerita mengenai negara yang belom pernah elo kunjungi, kalau cerita ajah sih ga apa-apa gimana kalau dia mengajak kita diskusi mengenai negara tersebut hahaahhahah..that's easy you just say "i never been there so what is the next topic ?"
Kaga ngerti juga sih kalau begitu jadinya.Kebiasaan yang dia lakukan bertahun-tahun, budaya keluarga, apa yang dia pelajari dan lihat di luar negri,siapa teman-temannya dan banyak hal lain yang harus di hadapi ketika bersama dia.
PS: apa yang gue tulis di sini adalah hasil pemikiran saja,in real life gue kaga pernah di gituin atau meng gitu kan orang.Hopefully.
Kadang gue berfikir kalau itu terjadi sama gue betapa kasihan cewenya.Waktu single sering jalan ke luar negri dan bergaul di kalangan jet zet.Pas pacaran sama gue boro boro keluar negri, keluar kota ajah susah hehehehehe...Belom lagi kudu makan di emperan atau di pinggir jalan (banyak loh makanan enak di sana).
Gue punya temen yang waktu kecil kaga diperbolehkan jajan di pinggir jalan sama orang tuanya.Ketika makan bakso abang-abang di depan rumah gue dia terlihat menikmati sekali, gue sampe terharu hehehehehehe...basonya sih emang enak.
Don’t judge me wrong, i am not a low self esteem person.But hey just face the fact that you don’t have enough money to pay through all the activity.
Bagaimana elo tau bahwa dia (pacar gue) akan bahagia mengikuti semua aktivitas seperti gue ? Apakah dia bakal kangen sama kebiasaan-kebiasaan jet zet dia ?
Gue punya teman yang tidak pernah bilang terima kasih sama pembantunya....atau tidak pernah merasa tidak enak hati bila ada temannya yang melayani dia seperti pembantu.Contoh : Udah nitip belanjaan,berat-berat,nalangin duitnya dulu,kaga dikasih ongkos, maunya buru-buru dan harus nganterin pula ke rumahnya karena dia telepon elo dan nyuruh elo seperti itu duh.... (padahal kacungnya atau pembantunya lebih dari 4 orang) and guess what ? not even disuruh masuk hahahahahahah elo cuman di cegat di depan rumah sama kacungnya trus udah di titipin duitnya yang pas dengan harga belanjaannya.
Apakah kekuatan cinta mampu menghadapi semua perbedaan ? Kok kaya di sinetron yah ? tapi akhir-akhir ini gue jadi berfikir untuk hal yang satu ini.Could i live with that ?the answer is a fair maybe.Gimana pacaran sama orang yang bulak balik singapore kaya pergi ke WC ? padahal gue paspor ajah blom punya hihihihihihi...pertarungan antara nurani dan akal sehat....apalagi kalau orangnya spoiled (with all the money it could easily happen).Giliran ada pertengkaran kecil dan yang di butuhkan hanya a mere apology, tapi dia malah mencoba untuk membelikan elo sesuatu yang elo tau bahwa dengan gaji elo yang sekarang elo harus nabung beberapa bulan (kaga bole di pake bahkan untuk ongkos ke kantor) baru bisa ke beli....yang lebih parah lagi setelah itu dia beranggapan bahwa semuanya sudah beres dan bisa kembali ke tabiat sedia kala.
Apakah cinta bisa dihargai dengan uang...tentu tidak ....tapi uang bisa membuat segala sesuatu menjadi mudah...bahkan mempertahankan cinta (hueks !!).
Gimana kalau suatu hari dia cerita mengenai negara yang belom pernah elo kunjungi, kalau cerita ajah sih ga apa-apa gimana kalau dia mengajak kita diskusi mengenai negara tersebut hahaahhahah..that's easy you just say "i never been there so what is the next topic ?"
Kaga ngerti juga sih kalau begitu jadinya.Kebiasaan yang dia lakukan bertahun-tahun, budaya keluarga, apa yang dia pelajari dan lihat di luar negri,siapa teman-temannya dan banyak hal lain yang harus di hadapi ketika bersama dia.
PS: apa yang gue tulis di sini adalah hasil pemikiran saja,in real life gue kaga pernah di gituin atau meng gitu kan orang.Hopefully.
Monday, February 06, 2006
The seach within
Soulmate,The search Within
I was writing a blog about soulmate earlier, and i think it’s about time i write another one in this blog.I don’t really feel i have a soulmate for now, not that in romantic way of course.Infact that’s what i want to write about now.Being somebody’s soulmate (maybe) is not so tough at all.You just have to be a little bit of somebody who have an awareness,not too much thinking about yourself, but be a lot of of yourself.It’s the chemistry that will glue you with that person.Of course you need to share a lot of common interest with them, and that is your starting point.
First of all, do soulmate really exist ? Well, the answer is between yes or no, it depends about what do you think relationship is.Is it have to be mutual ? or it could go one way.The hardest part in building a relationship is you never know what the expectation in the other line of relationship.We try such and such just to figure it out.If i do this or that, is it makes them mad ? makes them cry ? makes them happy ?
It’s almost keep our insanity at bay but that’s just the way it is.We try so hard until we forget that the essence of togetherness is.....being together...not to be somebody to make them laugh or happy (or sad too of course).So i will start from that.Soulmate is about togetherness not have to be so physically about it but better in heart and mind.
Soulmate is somebody you can be comfortable with,by even imagine them you can find a scent of soothing experience.Soulmate is somebody “quote from ellen : where your soul and them clenched together”.Its like being one with God...well,uuhmmm....more or less.(can i say better than orgasm ?? heheheheh..).
So, when we feel that unity with somebody (even when we just knew them for less than 1 hour, than we might be meet our soulmate).But of course it can be build as well (such unity) we can try all the things to build that kind of relationship,it’s not a nurture versus nature’s like both in the diffrent package.
The question number two is : How many are they ? the answer is as many as you want, once again it’s a decission things...not even a destiny.Ellen got at least 3 of them.I got around 3-4 of them.Well, it doesn’t matter if they don’t feel the same as you do.That’s the most important part of being a soulmate, you are in a constant breathing in and out of the universe.Who said relationship is a stagnant things ?
The third question is : Is it gonna last forever ? as queer as it begin and so when it’s end.It’s a decission wether you want to hold that relationship forever or not.In all other relationship there is always a time when it will look like on dormant state.When we cannot reach each other physically or emotionally and i think it is a normal state of everything that dinamically in motion.
Conclussion : Is a soul mate worth a try (to find) ? It sure is.You just can’t find a better time spending your life without it.Love base relationship that fill out a lot of hole in my soul.
I was writing a blog about soulmate earlier, and i think it’s about time i write another one in this blog.I don’t really feel i have a soulmate for now, not that in romantic way of course.Infact that’s what i want to write about now.Being somebody’s soulmate (maybe) is not so tough at all.You just have to be a little bit of somebody who have an awareness,not too much thinking about yourself, but be a lot of of yourself.It’s the chemistry that will glue you with that person.Of course you need to share a lot of common interest with them, and that is your starting point.
First of all, do soulmate really exist ? Well, the answer is between yes or no, it depends about what do you think relationship is.Is it have to be mutual ? or it could go one way.The hardest part in building a relationship is you never know what the expectation in the other line of relationship.We try such and such just to figure it out.If i do this or that, is it makes them mad ? makes them cry ? makes them happy ?
It’s almost keep our insanity at bay but that’s just the way it is.We try so hard until we forget that the essence of togetherness is.....being together...not to be somebody to make them laugh or happy (or sad too of course).So i will start from that.Soulmate is about togetherness not have to be so physically about it but better in heart and mind.
Soulmate is somebody you can be comfortable with,by even imagine them you can find a scent of soothing experience.Soulmate is somebody “quote from ellen : where your soul and them clenched together”.Its like being one with God...well,uuhmmm....more or less.(can i say better than orgasm ?? heheheheh..).
So, when we feel that unity with somebody (even when we just knew them for less than 1 hour, than we might be meet our soulmate).But of course it can be build as well (such unity) we can try all the things to build that kind of relationship,it’s not a nurture versus nature’s like both in the diffrent package.
The question number two is : How many are they ? the answer is as many as you want, once again it’s a decission things...not even a destiny.Ellen got at least 3 of them.I got around 3-4 of them.Well, it doesn’t matter if they don’t feel the same as you do.That’s the most important part of being a soulmate, you are in a constant breathing in and out of the universe.Who said relationship is a stagnant things ?
The third question is : Is it gonna last forever ? as queer as it begin and so when it’s end.It’s a decission wether you want to hold that relationship forever or not.In all other relationship there is always a time when it will look like on dormant state.When we cannot reach each other physically or emotionally and i think it is a normal state of everything that dinamically in motion.
Conclussion : Is a soul mate worth a try (to find) ? It sure is.You just can’t find a better time spending your life without it.Love base relationship that fill out a lot of hole in my soul.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
I laugh at the devil because i can
I got this junk *grin* from ellen newest blog.
It's somewhat funny word game...even thou the reasult for me is not as funny as her.
First, write down the sentence of your birth month
January- I wrestled
February- I slapped
March- I murdered
April- I looked at
May- I had sex with
June- I slept with
July- I laughed at
August- I stabbed
September- I shot
October- I made love to
November- I masturbated with
December- I crapped
Now, pick the day of your birth
1. A prostitute
2. An Asian
3. A woman with thick moustache
4. A drunken homeless
5. Santa Clause
6. A playboy bunny
7. A married mom
8. My stuffed bunny
9. Your mom
10. A playboy bunny
11. A football player
12. The devil
13. My Lettermans Jacket
14. My teacher
15. The Rock
16. A DVD player
17. A pencil sharpener
18. The phone
19. My computer
20. A pornstar
21. The tape measurer
22. The lamp
23. The "Lurah"
24. Governor Schwarzenegger
25. Mr. Incredible
26. A transvestite
27. A goat
28. Your hot sister
29. George Bush
30. A tape recorder
31. The printer
Then the first letter of your last name
A- Because I like chocolate
B- Because I was bored
C- Because my pants were on too tight
D- Because I am a homosexual
E- Because I had a frying pan
F- Because I didnt get any presents for
G- Because I like eggs
H- Because the world will end tomorrow
I- Because I slit my wrists
J- Because I dont have a bf/gf
K- Because I like football
L- Because I love slumber parties
M- Because I was masturbating
N- Because my heart is two sizes too small
O- Because fruit cakes fly
P- Because Im lonely
Q- Because my parents fight a lot
R- Because Im horny
S- Because I Can
T- Because I hate school
U- Because I was drunk
V- Because I wanted to
W- Because it calms me
X- Because I like brownies
Y- Because I like to spoon
Z- Because I need to masturbate
Now gather it to became a sentence just like mine.
It's somewhat funny word game...even thou the reasult for me is not as funny as her.
First, write down the sentence of your birth month
January- I wrestled
February- I slapped
March- I murdered
April- I looked at
May- I had sex with
June- I slept with
July- I laughed at
August- I stabbed
September- I shot
October- I made love to
November- I masturbated with
December- I crapped
Now, pick the day of your birth
1. A prostitute
2. An Asian
3. A woman with thick moustache
4. A drunken homeless
5. Santa Clause
6. A playboy bunny
7. A married mom
8. My stuffed bunny
9. Your mom
10. A playboy bunny
11. A football player
12. The devil
13. My Lettermans Jacket
14. My teacher
15. The Rock
16. A DVD player
17. A pencil sharpener
18. The phone
19. My computer
20. A pornstar
21. The tape measurer
22. The lamp
23. The "Lurah"
24. Governor Schwarzenegger
25. Mr. Incredible
26. A transvestite
27. A goat
28. Your hot sister
29. George Bush
30. A tape recorder
31. The printer
Then the first letter of your last name
A- Because I like chocolate
B- Because I was bored
C- Because my pants were on too tight
D- Because I am a homosexual
E- Because I had a frying pan
F- Because I didnt get any presents for
G- Because I like eggs
H- Because the world will end tomorrow
I- Because I slit my wrists
J- Because I dont have a bf/gf
K- Because I like football
L- Because I love slumber parties
M- Because I was masturbating
N- Because my heart is two sizes too small
O- Because fruit cakes fly
P- Because Im lonely
Q- Because my parents fight a lot
R- Because Im horny
S- Because I Can
T- Because I hate school
U- Because I was drunk
V- Because I wanted to
W- Because it calms me
X- Because I like brownies
Y- Because I like to spoon
Z- Because I need to masturbate
Now gather it to became a sentence just like mine.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Blogging Type
Your Blogging Type is Pensive and Philosophical |
![]() You blog like no one else is reading... You tend to use your blog to explore ideas - often in long winded prose. Easy going and flexible, you tend to befriend other bloggers easily. But if they disagree with once too much, you'll pull them from your blogroll! |
Hohohohooh emang bener....iya ga sih ?
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