Wednesday, September 09, 2009

one of those mistake

It is funny how we could push somebody that really care about us for a moment of emotional burst.

Sometimes we have our anger in check but sometimes we don't.What we have to think is is it worth the relieve ?

I have been reading many books about relationship and there is one chapter that always relate to the self esteem.It really destroy your relationship....any relationship.

In fact there is a acronym that said LSEMBP (Low Self Esteem Means Big Problem).It really work both ways thou....if your partner have a low self esteem you must be very careful in what you say and what you do.What you think it is a normal term or in the jokes term...could end up hurting their feeling and vice versa,if you have a low self esteem everything you hear is always about you and everything you see is always there to judge you.

it is not a very healthy life to begin with and it is also a relationship destroyer.You must have a good view about yourself,what you are now and what you want to be.Try to always focus on your strength while you keep tamper your weakness.people always like to be treated equally and so are you.Always think yourself as equal as anybody else without removing a simple modesty.

Remember,what you want to say or do is based on what you think.

Think Positive and be proud about yourself.For God create you as one of a kind.