Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Where is the love ?

This morning i read a newspaper and was shock about one of the news.

13 years old boy killed a 45 years old lady over a bicycle he does not own.The lady who was his neighbor is feel sorry for him because he cannot go to school any longer.So the lady often asked him to work at her lawn and do some errand in exchange of food and cash.

The boy interested in the old lady bicycle that he saw in her garage.The boy asked the lady a couple of times to give the bicycle to him,but the lady always ignore him.

The boy got disappointed and planning to kill the lady in result the death of the lady and he also injured the maid that also working at lady's house.

Can you imagine a 13 y.o boy ? When i was his age...i did not even have a sightliest idea on holding a grudge against anybody that much.I watch a lot of goggle V movies with a lot of "action" in it...but still it never cross my mind.

Not that i never feel disappointed at that age.Its just if i disappointed at somebody i simply does not want to show my face around that guy anymore....not kill him/her.

This case is more about value...what do you taught to your offspring about life.About love and compassion.With that kind of attitude that kid will never have an abundant life...never.

It is too bad that the newspaper does not collaborate more about his family background and stress on the event.

For me,this event remind me of my job as a parent.Make me think about it really careful and thank God i also seen a nice little kids out there and i want my child to be like them.

Maybe the lack of raw model is one of the problems with kids nowadays.

For all of you who read this post....please do as hard as you can to be a model for the child among you....you just never know what kind of influence you give to them...neither you realize it or not.

-= Your action speak so loud that they cannot hear what you say =-

Monday, March 23, 2009

pacarmu adalah adik angkatku

Gue dapet curhatan menarik nih dari sini

saia mau minta pendapat apa yg harus saia lakukan..
soalnya gua suka sama cewe yg udah punya cowonyaa....
tapi gua sayang bgt ma dia ....
untuk sementara ini dia maunya kakak- adek aja..
tapi perhatiannya dia itu berubah saat dia bilang mau kakak- adek an aja..
jadi care bangett...
gmn neeh bingungg....what im gonna do now..????
kira2 neh...bisa nggak gua ngedapetin dia....

Salah satu tanggapan dari anggota forumnya:
Nih gua bilangin, secara gw pernah ada di posisi cowok nya dan elu adalah yang kakak adiknya, kalau gw ketemu elu, dan gw tau hal itu, gw akan gantung lu di lantai paling atas gedung BNI 46 dan akan gw lempar kebawah setelah seharian gw gantung.

My Comment:

Wohoohhoohoho....kenapa sih perempuan suka mempermainkan cowo dengan kata2 kakak/adik angkat ? This is very2 ridiculous deh menurut gue.

Sebagai makluk yang punya perasaan di dengkul hihihihihihi cowo itu sangat sulit mengartikan keadaan seperti yang dialami oleh curhaters.

Cowo adalah makhluk to the point yang tidak nyaman dan rada2 pandir bila berada di daerah abu2.

I bet this is happening in a lot of life this days...i hate to break it but


Wahai cowo yang berada di luar sanah...jangan pernah mau jadi kakak angkat atau punya adik angkat...

pertama...cewe itu berat, mana kuat elo ngangkatnya.....lebih dari satu hari.....sedangkat status itu bisa berlangsung selama bertahun-tahun (bisa loh..bukan kudu).

Kedua....ini sama kayak legalize TTM, if you want to say that legal.Kalau dia di tanya sama cowonya dia bisa bilang dia cuman kakak gue kok...beuhh puhh leeezzz deh ah....elo kagak akan dapet apa2 kecuali perhatian platonik yang muncul tiba2 (apalagi kalau mereka berdua lagi berantem).

Ketiga...just a waste of time, money and care-ness (kagak ada di kamus)...you can spend it with somebody more worthwhile.

Ke empat.....Masih banyak cewe lain di luar sana sedang menunggu duit dan waktu elo hehehehehe.....ingat sensus penduduk terakhir cowo banding cewe masih 1 : 3 so...masih minimal 2 lagi cewe di luar sana menunggu elo.Ga worth it kalau elo ketemu sama cowo yang komentar di atas itu hihihiihihihi.

Ke lima....the last but not the least.....berhenti mempermainkan perasaan seseorang, kalau elo kagak suka diperlalukan seperti itu...jangan memperlakukan orang seperti itu.

-= What goes around, comes around =-