Monday, June 28, 2010

What is monogamy ?

According to Wikipedia
usually refers to a form of marriage in which an individual has only one spouse at any one time. However, monogamy may also refer to the more general state of having only one mate at any one time and as such may be applied to the social behavior of all animals.[1] In current usage monogamy often refers to having one sexual partner irrespective of marriage or reproduction.


The word monogamy comes from the Greek words "μονός", monos which means one or alone, and "γάμος", gamos which means marriage.

Only marry once ?
Marry to yourself ?
marry alone ?

Having one sexual partner at a time ? no threesome allowed ?

funny how the animal was the one found the idea of monogamy,since human is the "higher" animal we should be doing it for a long time ago.But no,through out of history human is not a monogamist in nature.

Ancient Mesopotamia and Assyria

Both the Babylonian and Assyrian families were monogamous in principle. In the patriarchal society of Mesopotamia the nuclear family was called a "house". In order "to build a house" a man was supposed to marry one woman and if she did not provide him with offspring, he could take a second wife.Blahhhhh.....

Ancient Egypt

Monogamy is believed to be basic family model also in ancient Egypt.

The writing just stop there...seriously i doubt it.but again maybe just the king who could have a lot of concubine.

If you read the wiki about monogamy here you will find that there is a lot of things to speak about monogamy than just having sex with one person for the rest of your life.

The argue is so hot that you need one more aspect to tie it four words that need to be brought down from its glory to justify monogamy.It should be place to their respective idea...monogamy is just an idea.

Don't get me wrong, i choose to be monogamy,why ?A lot of things such as :

- i cannot cope with another woman because my wife is already fill my days (money,emotion,times,space) up ^_^ LOL.

- The risk of STD.

- Living in the monogamy idea neighborhood.

- Risk management of the non-monogamy idea.

- etc.

My point is, sometimes people use monogamy to justify love...and i hate that.For somebody who have a big capacity of loving it is a personal incarceration.